Statistické učebnice a učební texty - české

Teorie pravděpodobnosti - přednášky

Autor: Miloslav Vošvrda

Přednášky doc. Vošvrdy (Pravděpodobnost a statistika na FSV UK)

Teoretická statistika...

Autor: Miloslav Vošvrda

Soubor přednášek Miloslava Vošvrdy, které jsou přednášeny v jednosemestrální kurzu na FSV UK

Statistické učebnice - zahraniční

Statistics: The Study of Stability in Variation

Autor: Jan de Leeuw

Učebnice rozšířeného kurzu statistiky

HyperStat Online

Autor: David M. Lane

Velmi obsáhlá interaktivní učebnice základů statistiky (včetně ANOVA)

The Hyper-Textbook on Information Retrieval

Autor: C.J. Van Rijsgergen

Učebnice z oblasti umělé inteligence – rozeznávání jazyka s využitím statistických metod

Electronic Textbook StatSoft

 Jednoduše vysvětlená pokročilá témata ve statistice, určeno hlavně pro uživatele programů firmy StatSoft


Autor: Keith Dear

Kurz statistiky u protinožců včetně statistického kalkulátoru


Autor: varied
Komentář: Seems like a group project and perhaps an interesting read, especially in the biologicaly science.

Resampling: The new Statistics

Autor: Julian Simon
Komentář: This book describes a revolutionary approach to probability and statistics -- the routine use of Monte Carlo and resampling. No graphics.


Autor: E. T. Jaynes
Komentář: A math-oriented text, not html, but extensive.

Seeing Statistics

Autor: Gary McClelland
Komentář: Requires a password.

Sociological HyperLinks

Autor: Ellis Godard
Komentář: Statistics with a Sociological Bent

BUSINESS STATISTICS: Revealing Facts From Figures

Autor: Hossein Arsham
Komentář: Comprehensive introductory statistics text with a Business orientation

A New View of Statistics

Autor: Will G Hopkins
Komentář: This on-line text covers the essentials of statistics for researchers. The examples are taken from exercise and sport science, but the principles apply to all empirical sciences.

A Casebook for a First Course in Statistics and Data Analysis

Autor: Samprit Chatterjee, Mark S. Handcock, and Jeffrey
Komentář: In this casebook you will find examples drawn from many fields, where statistical analysis is needed to answer a particular question.

SticiGui©: Statistical Tools for Internet and Classroom Instruction

Autor: Philip B. Stark
Komentář: Very complete resource

Lists of Resources

St@tServ, information server for statistics and data analysis

Komentář: Comprehensive resource listing

Statistics and Statistical Graphics Resources

Autor: Michael Friendly
Komentář: Another extensive list of statistical resources

Lessions in Statistics

Autor: Louie Beuschlein and Lisa Silver
Komentář: Listing of local educational statistical resources

A Guide to the Web for Statisticians

Autor: Gordon Smyth
Komentář: Comprehensive statistical resources

Institute of Statistics and Decision Sciences, Duke University

Autor: ???
Komentář: List of statistics resources

AmoebaWeb - psychology resources on the Web!

Autor: ???
Komentář: Page of statistical resources from Southern California

Statistics on the Web

Autor: Clay Helberg
Komentář: Extensive list of statistical resources

Math Archives - Statistics

Autor: Earl Fife and Larry Husch
Komentář: Comprehensive list of statistics resources on the web

Math Forum Internet Resource Collection - Annotated Version

Autor: ???
Komentář: Math resources which include statistics

Bibliography for Computational Probability and Statistics

Autor: Hossein Arsham
Komentář: Very complete bibliograpy of web sites and books!!


Autor: 3 Statistics PhDs, 3 computer scientists, 1 econom
Komentář: A site devoted to high-quality information for Statistics. Statoo ants gather, clean-up and organize Statistics related links.